more about bluemile

Bluemile.co.za is proud to have been appointed as the sole sales channel for the Legendary King Cat range, proudly built by Zululand Marine Services (Z.M.S.) Bluemile.co.za is based in Gauteng to be in the heart of our client base! Bluemile.co.za will continue to associate ourselves with the best brands and grow our online shop with the best brands in the boating and fishing fraternities.

The legendary awe-inspiring Kingcat Range, designed to make your boating experience exhilarating and a pure performance on the open waters. Our custom designed hulls allow you to plane through the surf and master the seas. These boats were designed by the late Peter Motzouris with the passionate intention of aerodynamics on the water and an obsession for perfection.

The Kingcat boats range from 16ft to 26ft, with all the trimmings that will make your journey an adventure. These boats are slick, stylish and invigorating whilst having the best performance and superior workmanship.

Meet the owner

stephan van der Westhuysen

Eu iusto dolorum pro, facer oportere duo ne. Cum ei commune instructior. Ne dicat qualisque ullamcorper ius.

Altera deseruisse voluptatum id est, eu consul discere interpretaris nec. Per autem iracundia ea, cu nec tota aeque aliquid. Utamur iudicabit vix eu, veniam labores expetendis ea eam. Vitae detraxit mea id, ferri tantas nullam sit ad, ea quodsi pericula quo.

we pride ourselve in

exceptional service
building relationships
industry leader
quality products